Sunday, February 11, 2007

It burns!

The other night I came home from work to Nick making me dinner. Or rather Nick boiling water for pasta, but I guess that counts. On my way home I had to pick up some milk to help quench his insatiable need for the mammary liquid of cows, and I also pick up some garlic bread. I called ahead so that the oven would be nice and up to temperature when I got home. I was pretty tired from my day and also quite hungry.

I decided that I'd shower after dinner, and changed out of my black work clothes (no blazer at the moment... instead we get to wear shirts that are as long as dresses that say "Sexy is Back!" in hot pink across them... try wearing those on your break in the mall!) and into PJs. I oversaw Nick as he cooked the pasta, and when the timer when off I grabbed a tea towel and took the baking tray which the bread was on out of the oven. Unfortunately the cloth was quite wet, and the heat went right through and started to burn my fingertips. In a hurry I threw the tray down on the stove top, and ran my fingers under cold water. I had sort of thrown the tray in a bad place, so Nick moved it to on top of the cutting board on the counter.

After setting the table, Nick went into the fridge to grab a drink, I backed out of his way and directly into the just-out-of-the-over baking tray. I immediately screamed bloody murder. I had managed to burn my skin directly. My shirt was a bit pulled up, and my PJ bottoms low. Perfect.

Initially I didn't think the burn was that bad, and even though my initial reaction was to run the burn under cold water, the placement of the burn made that rather difficult. Looking in the freezer, the only frozen things we had were hamburger buns and bread. No good. So instead I settled for cooling the area with a can of diet Pepsi (the same drink Nick had been getting out of the fridge!). For the first little bit, the Pepsi can worked to numb the area. But then I could feel the burn heating up. Me (already in hysterics, I'll admit it) was very freaked out by our lack of ice. Then Nick, with a shit-happy grin, grabbed a zip-lock bag and a big spoon and went out on to the balcony. It's winter. Who needs ice, when you've got snow?

For the next hour or so I sat on the couch feeling sorry for myself as I iced my hip. But then I had to tackle the next issue. I had to get up early for work the next morning and I wanted to wash my hair that night, to save time and energy. However, as anyone who has had a burn knows (sunburn most definitely applies here), showers can be incredibly painful. I had yet to thaw out the area around my burn and didn't really feel like inflicting any more pain on myself. So, Nick filled me a new baggie of snow and he very kindly held it on my back for me as I sobbed and washed my hair.

Feeling very pathetic, I knew I had to thaw out my burn before I went to bed. So I tossed my baggie of snow, and waited for the pain. And painful it was. Fortunately the pain plateaued before I went to bed, and I managed to sleep ok.

The burn is looking okay now but is still causing some discomfort (especially as my trousers rub against it).

I have learnt several things from this experience.

a) i hate my baking tray

b) burns in strange places are no fun

c) snow is a wonderful thing

1 comment:

Margot said...

Only you, you weirdo.
Get yourself some aloe!